Healing Techniques

I offer a variety of alternative therapeutic interventions based on the techniques I have been trained in. Each session lasts for 90 minutes and works at the cellular level to create a deep and lasting change.

I offer a variety of alternative therapeutic interventions based on the techniques I have been trained in. Each session lasts for 90 minutes and works at the cellular level to create a deep and lasting change.

After an initial discussion to see what the client is seeking, I make a personalised plan incorporating any of the techniques mentioned below that I feel will best help the client.

The Journey

 This work involves your emotional makeup, helping you access your feelings at a deeper cellular level. The processes that the therapist leads you through helps in releasing and healing emotions, thus bringing you into a place of peace, calm, joy, and more. The work involves different processes such as the abundance journey, life transformation, and no ego. Ultimately, many people experience physical healing as well as emotional and mental issues.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

 EFT involves tapping on your body meridians as we acknowledge the current situation, accept the negative, releasing it with positive affirmations of the self. This healing can also be very effective with deeply held psychologically limiting beliefs and can be worked in matrix (inner child work) too. I also teach my clients the EFT technique, so that they are able to help themselves if and when a need arises in their lives.

Transactional Analysis (TA) / Psychotherapy Work

While a lot of the other tools heal at a body level, Transactional Analysis has helped integrate the healing that my clients and I experience at a mind level. This particular psychotherapy is based on the model by Dr. Berne. It helps in understanding human personality, inter, and intra-personal relationships and communication creating “I AM OKAY & YOU ARE OKAY”


A method based on Bruce Lipton’s work on the Biology of Belief, this healing technique rewires your brain towards a more positive outlook by using left, right, and whole-brain exercises. These exercises help the neuro-muscular memory to release deeply held beliefs, after which a more positive belief can be incorporated.


This is a very interactive technique, developed by Jacob L. Moreno, where the clients use role-play, dramatization, and self-representation to step outside themselves, investigate objectively and gain a deeper understanding of their own lives.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP has many techniques like Timeline Technology and Hypnotherapy. I use these as required and as an aide to the holistic healing that the client seeks.

Matrix Reimprinting 
Matrix Reimprinting is an advanced form of EFT that focuses on transforming negative memories and beliefs stored within the subconscious mind. A central concept in Matrix Reimprinting is the ECHO. ” ECHOs represent the fragmented parts of our consciousness that hold onto traumatic memories.”